Wolverine Hikes

People who know me know that I belong on the Trail. I've thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail (three times, now),the Pacific Crest Trail and the mighty Continental Divide Trail. I've hiked many of the long trails here in Michigan including being the first to hike both the Ironwood Trail and the Great Lake To Lake Trail. In 2017, I hiked the Israel National Trail and the Golan Heights Trail. I was the first to hike the Baja Divide Trail in Mexico but failed miserably to thru-hike the Bruce Trail in Canada. In 2019, I hiked the TEMBR in Ecuador and 1,150 miles of the North Country Trail as it runs through my home state of Michigan.

The purpose of this blog is to keep anyone who is interested informed of my progress and to encourage those who are able to support me in these endeavors.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Washington is Magical!

I've been lucky to experience trail magic at almost every major crossroads in Washington.  First, Astro's step-dad left foot-long subs and four Inversion IPAs from DeSchutes Brewery in Oregon in a bag of ice!  Hee Haw and I were thrilled.

Then, my dear friends Dave and Nicole Smith came from Yakima, WA to meet me at White Pass.  They brought goodies for me and all my stinky hiker buddies. It was so good to see them and their kids are absolutely beautiful.

THEN we met Scallywag's grandmother, aunt and uncle, plus their kids at Chinook Pass.  They put out a MASSIVE spread of food and forced us to take tons of food with us.  The food was great but our packs were so heavy!

THEN!  THEN we met my friends Dragonfly and Beeker, who I know from the AT, at Snoqualmie Pass.  They bought me a fantastic lunch and brought a bag of goodies for all the hiker trash to share. Plus Astro's mom was there with food.  We all ate, then rested, then hiked! 

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to see us!


Anonymous said...

It was great to see you!!

Juanita Wilburn said...

Your pictures were nice BUT looks like you need to eat more PASTA!!! Seriously, great to see & hear from you!
Safe travels :)

Chris Hillier said...

Juanita! So good to hear from you! Can you believe how cute Nicole's kids are? I've been having a blast out here. Keep following my blog for more pics. Much Love! Wolverine